Classroom News

Room 11 STEM Challenge
Students used their engineering skills to design a new waterslide for the North Adelaide Aquatic Centre. The water slide was required to have at least one twist or turn and be fast enough to get 4 marbles (people) down the slide as quickly and safely as possible. To complete the task, students followed a design process. Students researched waterslides and discussed the similarities and differences. From this, students then sketched some ideas and agreed on one design to create. Students created and tested their waterslides and the most creative designs were sent to the Aquatic Centre.
Bahasa Indonesia
Our Early Years students have read and learnt about the story of ‘Naga and Buaya’. We have read the story together, students have retold the story in their own words and they have also used the story table to act out and recreate the story using puppets and other hands-on materials.
Older classes have created family trees, where they have written paragraphs describing family members in Indonesian. These paragraphs include information such as the family member’s name, their relationship to the student and personality or character traits.
Bu Chish
In STEM students have learnt about farming to understand the paddock to plate journey of food, what clothes are made from and how they are made, along with innovative farming technologies. The Reception to Year Two students have designed robotic apple pickers, the Year Three to Four students did some weaving to create their own weaved product, the Year Fives have designed a model wheat garden prior to making a real wheat garden (outside the STEM building) and the Year Six and Seven students have designed model sustainable farms incorporating the latest farming technologies.
This term, students are learning about the real-life uses of robotics and how to code them, by working in teams to solve a variety of digital challenges.
Room 29 – Effective Leads
What makes you want to read on?
What is it that hooks you into a great narrative and story?
In Room 29 we have been talking about how to write a narrative and the structure needed to write a quality narrative. But we have recently focused our attention on how to ‘hook’ the reader in by having a really interesting ‘lead’ or start to our story.
Some of the types of effective leads are a
- Question lead
- Sound effect lead
- Action lead
- Talking lead
- Flashback lead
- Snapshot lead
We have been experimenting with these different types of leads and trying to hook our readers in!
Room 23
This week in Literacy, we have started to look at Information Report writing. We started the topic by discussing ‘collective nouns’. First, we had to investigate the different animal collective nouns and write them on the sheet. Then, we went on to computers and created posters about animal collective nouns using Publisher. We are looking forward to learning about how to successfully write information reports.
This term in Science, Room 16 has been experimenting with light. In particular our focus has been on how light moves through different objects. All students were able to create periscopes which allowed us to see over tables, on top of cupboards and around corners. We experimented with changing the angle of the mirror and what this allowed us to see. Room 16 also experimented with using different types of light sources, which then created different types of shadows, while allowing us to continue to experiment with angles, shape and light. Lots of fun and discovery happening in our Science lessons!
Number Lines in Room 5!
We have been working hard to establish our knowledge of numbers to 20 on a number line. This has increased our ability to count, order and sequence numbers from any starting point. We play a number line game where we are given a random number and need to work together to quickly create a human sized number line and fill in the spaces. We have also been using number lines to help us understand and practise our ability to add, particularly more than two numbers.
Rm 13 & 14 Science
Our science unit this term is a chemistry unit called ‘All mixed up’….
We made our own potions today using Red cabbage juice and other materials such as: lemon, soap, sauce, apple juice and more...
Rm 13 & 14 Literacy
This term in Visual Arts, our classes looked at colour and talked about how it made them feel. We then had discussions about gender stereotyping and how some colours are used as a gender specific colour. Each student then selected their favourite colour and created a title page. In media, each student then took photos of objects of their chosen colour and inserted these into an imovie to create a short clip adding sound and music.