News From the Principal

Dear families,
Over the past few weeks, we have gradually seen our STEM area transformed with new furniture and fittings. All furniture will be installed within the next 2 weeks and we are in the process of having a date assigned for the official opening. Once this is known, I will let you know so that our families can be a part of the proceedings.
Below is some of the new furniture that has arrived.
Carly Ryan Foundation Presentation
A reminder that the Online Safety Presentation will take place in the Hall on Wednesday 4th July at 6:30pm (Week 10). This is a very worthwhile presentation and one that I believe that all parents should attend. Please see front office staff if you have not yet responded to the flyer, so that we can plan for the evening based on numbers of people attending.
OSHC Second Hand Book Sale
Our OSHC students and staff will be having their book sale commencing next Monday (25th June). The books will be on sale outside OSHC next to the canteen each afternoon from 3:15pm. The children have decided that all profits will go to Guide Dogs for the Blind foundation.Thank you in anticipation for your support.
Swimming Week
We have just finished an exhausting but rewarding week of swimming for our R – 3 classes!!! Thank you to all the parents and families that attended over the week and also for the extra work put in by the teachers.Special mention to Bob Bowden who organised the Aquatic Centre, buses, yard duties, NIT etc (and attended the pool). The children not only learnt about water safety but also had fun at the same time. Their behaviour was exemplary and we should all be very proud of them.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
A reminder that interviews will commence next week and continue throughout Weeks 9 & 10. Reports will be going home prior to interview times, for families to gain an insight to their child’s learning over the first 2 terms. The interviews are an opportune time to gain valuable feedback about your child as we approach the half way mark of the year. We look forward to seeing as many parents/caregivers attend the interviews as possible.
Vacation Care
A reminder that our July Vacation Care program has been released and bookings can now be made.
Once again, it is a very exciting program with both excursions and in-house activities during the 2 weeks.
Please note that Tuesday 17th July excursion to inflatable world has been booked out and the Movie Day on the 10th July is nearly booked out also. Only 3 spots available!!!
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
School Lockup
Please be aware that all external doors to the school will be locked each afternoon at 3:15pm.
If you need to come into the school, please enter through the front door via Fletcher Road.
Note that during interview times, all external doors will be open.
End of Term
There will be a final newsletter going out on the last day of school this term. Our final day for the term is Friday 6th July.
Please be aware that there will be an assembly at 1:30pm and dismissal will be at 2:00pm.
Regards Mike Tate