Sports News 

Mr So and Mr Yu

Beecroft PSSA Zone Cross Country 


An enormous applause to our Roselea PSAA Zone Cross Country athletes for turning up on time and showing the tenacity, motivation and enthusiasm that would stand anyone in good stead in the future. Our new sports vests looked smart and made us easily recognisable on the course through spectacular Fagan Park. Congratulations to all our students who participated and gave their level best on the day. We are proud of you all and you should feel proud of your efforts too!  


Congratulations to Ella P who made it in the top 10 for her age group.


Here is some feedback from our participants after the race: 

My experience at zone cross country was fun, thrilling and tiring. When it was my turn to run, I was a bit scared that I wouldn’t make it through the race because it was very exhausting but I persevered and made it to the finish line. I had the best time there and I wish I could do it again. - Makayla L  


My experience was very fun and exhausting. I had a great time with my friends. I was very nervous to run but made it through in the end. I came 59th and even though it wasn’t the best I was proud. - Ajay T 


Something about zone cross country that I enjoyed was hanging out with my friends and making sure that we would all be okay and that we were able to have fun and run with each other throughout the course. - Selina L


Mrs Janssen and Mrs Dong 

Beecroft PSSA Zone Cross Country Official and Team Member 

PSSA Stage 2

For the first time, Stage 2 students are now competing in the Beecroft Zone PSSA competition for Netball and Soccer. Students showed a high level of respect and fair play towards their opponents. It was an exciting experience for all students, as they battled it out against Normanhurst West Public School. With so many players new to the sport and still learning the tactics and rules, they should all be commended on their positive attitudes and great sportsmanship, regardless of the result. 


The netball students played two great matches against Normanhurst West, although both matches were stopped briefly due to rain and the girls match being temporarily paused due to a Kookaburra who wanted to play as well. They fought hard and the results do not reflect the level of effort and teamwork that both teams put in. 


Stage 2 Results:

Soccer Boys – 13-0 (Normanhurst West won)

Soccer Girls – 5-0 (Normanhurst West won)

Netball Boys – 34-0 (Normanhurst West won)

Netball Girls – 14-5 (Normanhurst West won)


Players of the Match:

Soccer Boys – Mason

Soccer Girls – Ashley

Netball Boys – Jude

Netball Girls – Selina 

Miss Betty - Stage 2 PSSA