Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Semester 1 reports

Parents and carers are advised that the Semester One reports for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will look slightly different from previous years. This is due to the new K-2 syllabus for English and Maths. The following explanation will outline the main differences and how we have aimed to make the reports as parent friendly as possible. There will be no change for 3-6 reports.


The focus areas students will be assessed are:


Oral language and Communication – last year ‘speaking and listening’

The content in this area focuses on speaking and listening. Oral language can include spoken, nonverbal, symbolic and gestural forms. Students express their skills when sharing and expressing ideas, as well as clarifying and refining their thoughts.


Reading fluency and comprehension – last year ‘reading and viewing’

Building on their phonic knowledge and vocabulary, students decode and recognise words to increase their reading fluency. This allows the reader to focus on meaning rather than decoding to increase their reading speed, rhythm, intonation and self-correcting to maintain understanding. Connecting their prior knowledge to enhance their understanding of the text is an important aspect of comprehension. This area involves students continually understanding and responding to literature.


Creating Written Texts – last year ‘writing and representing’ 

Creating written texts involves students planning, creating and revising pieces of writing. This aspect incorporates spelling, handwriting and elements of vocabulary.

Reconciliation Week

Last Friday, May 26th, was National Sorry Day. Following National Sorry Day, we will observe Reconciliation Week with various events and classroom programs at our school. On Thursday, June 1st, we will have a special whole-school Reconciliation Week assembly led by Mrs Clements. The assembly will take place in the hall as we need to use the display. Unfortunately, this means that seating for parents will be limited. Throughout the week, students will have opportunities to learn about Reconciliation Week in their classrooms and as part of our RFF program.


National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Principal Awards