Whole School Programs

Creating Futures Together

The Victorian Curriculum 

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out a single, coherent and comprehensive set of content descriptions and associated achievement standards to enable teachers to plan, monitor, assess and report on the learning achievement of every student. 

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates and reflects much of the Australian Curriculum F–10, but differs in some important respects, most notably the representation of the curriculum as a continuum of learning and the structural design. 

Victorian government schools are required to use the Victorian Curriculum F–10. More information regarding the Victorian Curriculum can be found at http://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au  

Laptop 1:1 Program 

All students in Year 7 will purchase their own laptop (from the recommended list). Students in Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 will continue to bring their previously purchased devices. This will be used every day at school and home to assist in reshaping and enhancing their learning and engagement. The purpose of 1:1 learning is to create confident, flexible self-directed, lifelong learners. At the heart of good 1:1 learning is equity to ensure that all students have access to technology-rich experiences, and simplicity to ensure that it is easy to manage and sustain. Through this increased access to technology students and teachers can access learning tools that can be highly differentiated and collaborative. Together with quality instruction, the technology opens the possibility of new models for learning within and beyond classrooms.