A Message from our 

Acting Principal's 

Jarryd & Laura Jane

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Deputy Principal's

Dear Families, 


We have so much to celebrate this week!  We continue to see highly engaged children immersed in discovery learning, projects, targeted teaching groups, and specialist areas.  


We are also looking forward to events coming up this term including excursions, our school disco, and our next assembly hosted by our 3/4 children at St Gabriel’s this Friday. 

One of our focuses this year is to enable learning that is visible to our community. As a part of this, we are excited to be able to share a snapshot of our learning in Mathematics through our Maths Learning Walk.  

Please RSVP your attendance with the following LINK


Our children and staff have thoroughly enjoyed their time with Emma Stenhouse and have made the most of their opportunity to participate in such rich artistic creations.  They have enjoyed sharing the stories and the strengths of our learning community. We look forward to seeing our school mural complete and sharing this with our wider community. 

As we continue to refine and enhance the programs and opportunities we provide our students and families, we have conducted a thorough process to review our Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) Program at our school. We are pleased to share that we have partnered with TeamKids as our new OSHC provider. 


TeamKids will begin the before and after hours service from Term 3, Monday 10 July. In the coming weeks, we will share more information with you about TeamKids and how to enrol.  They will be visiting us onsite to chat with parents and families to answer any questions, we will provide further details via email, closer to the date.  


A reminder that Friday 9 June is a School Closure Day, our staff will be participating in the first day or training of  the Berry Street Education Model. This professional learning equips teachers with a broad range of strategies to support the wellbeing and engagement of all children. 


We will celebrate the end of Term 2 with St Gabriel’s and St Stephen’s children gathering together at St Stephen’s for our end of term sport’s day on Friday 23 June.  

The day will begin with St Stephen’s and St Gabriel’s Year 5/6 children leading assembly at 9.15am.  The children will then be participating in sports activities for the remainder of the day in their House colour groups. 


Thank you, 

Jarryd & Laura