Enrichment News
Catherine Jetson and Michelle Wall
Enrichment News
Catherine Jetson and Michelle Wall
Student Success
Mount Carmel is proud to announce that one of our Year 9 students, Lucy Allen, has been selected to attend the prestigious UN Youth National Conference. A highly esteemed event that brings together young people from Australia and New Zealand, Lucy will travel to Perth, WA in July. The conference serves as a platform for discussions, debates, and the exchange of ideas on pressing global issues. We know that Lucy will enjoy every moment of this opportunity.
Gifted Awareness Week : 20 - 28 May
Last year, our in-house writing competition was a success, focusing on the theme "Open Hearts, Open Minds." This year, we're excited to announce a similar competition open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 10, centered around our 2023 theme: "Build Bridges, Break Walls."
Kinder and Prep students: colouring contest featuring the winning 2023 poster "Build Bridges, Break Walls."
Years 1 - 4: Acrostic poem capturing their school experience in creative verses.
Years 5 - 10: Drabble (100-word response) showcasing how they embody our school's theme in their everyday lives. There will be winners from Years 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10.
Exciting prizes await the winners including Book vouchers and canteen vouchers for encouragement.
Entries are to be emailed or given to Mrs Michelle Wall or Mrs Catherine Jetson and are due by Friday 26 May.
Our esteemed judges Mrs Richardson and Miss Sluyters will shortlist the submissions and determine the winners.