Around the Primary Classes


In May we reflect on Mary, Mother of Jesus , and how she willingly obeyed God’s will. In the week leading up to Mother's Day, Lucy’s mum visited us at pick- up time to show us her beautiful ‘baby bump’.

Year 4

On Friday 5 May, Year 4 visited the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Mrs Allan organised the excursion, in conjunction with Japan’s Children’s Day Celebrations. On Children's Day in Japan, carp-shaped streamers and windsocks called 'koinobori' are displayed, representing the desire for children to become healthy, brave and strong. Year 4 visited the Japanese Garden so that the students could view their Koinobori, explore the Japanese Garden and learn more about the native plant life found within Tasmania. 

Year 5

Last Wednesday, both Year 5 classes visited the Cascade Female Factory.  Having been to Port Arthur last term, the girls were keen to know about the experience of convict women in the colony of Van Diemen's Land.  The lives of 6 different characters were brought to life in through song and dialogue in a play called 'The Proud and the Punished'.