Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

For those who were part of our Primary community last year, you would remember my love for Charlie Mackesy, his inspiring quotes and his beautiful drawings.  His work allows to take stock of what is going on in the world and take the time to reflect on kindness, love, and belonging. Below is a link to the trailer for his animation that won an Oscar Award in February and it is a gentle yet important reminder of what really matters.


Fire Safety

Last week our Primary students attended a series of lessons run by Tas Fire Service and Firefighter Drew.  These sessions were so important as evidence shows that children have limited capacity to truly understand the impact fire can have on themselves and others. Our students now have an increased understanding of what they need to do in the event of them being on fire and/or a fire that may impact their home.  It may be timely to have a conversation with your son or daughter about what they did learn throughout these lessons as I know I was reminded about a few things such as testing my fire alarm.  


Our Prep students reported that the emergency services number to call is 000 and that if there is a fire you need crawl down low and go, go, go.  

Staff Meeting

Our staff split into two teams this week for one of two staff meetings held.  Our Kinder - Year 3 staff worked on unpacking literacy work in the form of moderation whilst our Year 4 - 6 staff attended a PL on ADHD.  Both sessions allowed for conversations, a team approach and a chance to learn from one another. 

Spirit of Jesus

Throughout the week our Year 3 - 5 students and staff worked with Peter Mitchell on highlighting the importance of Jesus in our lives. These lessons highlight the work of Jesus Christ and how we can live like him in the way we interact with others, nature and ourselves. 


Last week students in Year 5 and 6 headed off to Hutchins as the inter school debating competition for our Primary students started.  This competition allows those students who are part of the debating teams to use their critical analysis skills to maximum, as well as work on structuring arguments using facts and sound research to support what they are saying.  A huge thanks must go to Mrs Sharon Himson and Ms Katie Harper who are supporting our debaters and we look forward to their next debate at Fahan next week. 

Winter Uniform 

A few reminders about winter uniform:

  • Please ensure the jumper, cardigan or vest is packed as students are not permitted to wear their blazer in the classroom or out in the playground
  • The tie is a compulsory item that is to be worn
  • Please ensure items are named
  • Navy socks or stockings are to be work with the winter uniform
  • Boater hat for Years 1 - 4 is still a compulsory item - it is not just a summer item