Julie Elkin
Ourschool Alumni Program Coordinator
A big thank you to Julian Abraham (2021), who returned to NGSC to chat with the VCE VM Year 12 Work Related Skills classes. He spoke about his journey since being terminated from his SBAT position during his Year 12 studies, his pathway through the Fair Work Commission for unfair dismissal, and his now enjoyable position as a second-year diesel mechanic apprentice, working with earthmoving equipment. To supplement his apprentice wage, Julian also does night shift on the family cropping farm, driving machinery to spray or harvest, and works as a Trade Assistant on the docks. The VCE VM class asked pertinent questions about training and Julian also stayed to chat one on one with various students. Thanks so much for your time - I know it is difficult for tradies/apprentices to get the time off to give back 🙏 🙏
Another alum was also gracious enough to give up his time to chat with VCE VM Literacy classes. Luke Murphy graduated in 2005 and has since met most of his goals, including travelling to Europe, buying and renovating a unit and, interestingly, volunteering for an organisation that aims to look after people fleeing North Korea. On top of all this, he has written a novel (in between working three days a week) and is in the process of having it made into an animated trilogy. Whew, that's a lot on his plate!Thanks for giving up your time, Luke - much appreciated 🙏
If you are a past student and would like to become a part of the ever-growing Alumni Program, please contact Julie Elkin on or join the socials J
LinkedIn: North Geelong Secondary College or ask to join the closed LinkedIn Alumni group