Daniel Grozdanovski

Middle Sub-School Manager


Busy times throughout Years 9 and 10 as we close in on the end of Semester 1. A reminder that the 19th of June will be Semester changeover. This will result in some small timetable changes and commencing your new electives. These timetables will be synced to compass in the coming weeks. 


Exams are now upon us running during Week 7 & 8. Exams allow our students to consolidate their learning in the classroom, learn/practice study techniques for summative assessments and provide the experience of preparing for exams and develop coping strategies that will enhance student resilience.


IMPORTANT: No materials will be provided to students during the exam period. Students must come prepared with all the required materials including pens, pencils, erasers, calculators and any other necessary items for specific subjects. 


Year 10 Students will only be required at school for their exams on Monday to Thursday. They may choose to remain at school if they are a bus traveller or wish to complete individual study. 


Year 10 Outdoor Education

Our Year 10 Outdoor Education classes have recently embarked on an unforgettable three-day adventure along the Cumberland River Bushwalk in the Great Otway National Park. Hiking during the days, setting up camps and preparing their meals for the three days. 

Year 9 Morrisby Interviews 

Our Year 9 students undertook their interviews this week to unpack the data from their Morrisby Testing. This provided the students a chance to look over some of their strengths and begin identifying some possible work pathways into the future. All students have access to their online reports, and we encourage you to also read over them. These discussions with your child will help in preparation for our upcoming careers sessions next term. 

Positive Acknowledgements

Congratulations to the following students who have consistently achieved high progress reports throughout the whole school year. Your attendance and application to learning in those classes does not go unnoticed!

Year 9

Year 10

Ha-Lien Nguyen

Liling He

Maria Pagtolon-An

Dat Le

Samet Cilingir

Thomas Airey

Lina He

Claudia Katny

Eh Bway Paw Lan

Dayna Maring