Janelle Butler
Year 7 Coordinator
Exams for Year 7 and 8 Students begin next week. All students are expected to attend their scheduled exam time, with catch-up exams being organised for students that are absent on the day. All students are to have their own equipment for exams (pens, pencils, highlighters, rulers, erasers and a calculator). No equipment will be given out to students at all, so please make sure that you are organised. If you do not have the equipment that you need, please see your teachers or your year-level coordinator. Your exam timetable has been shared either via Google Classroom or email.
Exam Timetable:
- Maths
- Mainstream Year 7: Monday 5th June - P 5
- SEAL Year 7: Monday 5th June - P 5 and 6
- Mainstream Year 8: Thursday 8th June - P 5
- SEAL Year 8: Thursday 8th June - P 5 and 6
- English
- Mainstream Year 7: Monday 5th June - P3
- SEAL Year 7: Monday 5th June - P5 and 6
- Mainstream Year 8: Monday 5th June - P3
- SEAL Year 8: Monday 5th June - P3 and 4
- Science
- SEAL Year 7: Tuesday 6th June - P1 and 2
- SEAL Year 8: Tuesday 6th June - P1 and 2
- Humanities
- SEAL Year 7: Wednesday 7th June - P3 and 4
- SEAL Year 8: Tuesday 6th June - P5 and 6
With winter approaching and the weather getting colder, we are noticing that a few students are deciding to disregard the rules for the school uniform and are wearing jumpers/hoodies under the school uniform. This is not the correct uniform and will not be accepted. Students are not permitted to wear a jumper or hoodie or any other item of clothing that can be seen, under the school uniform. Students will be asked to remove it and put it in their locker. If they are seen with it again, the item of clothing will be confiscated, and a parent/guardian will need to collect it from the school.
We are also noticing that some students are choosing not to wear their academic uniform and are wearing the sports uniform on days that they do not have PE. This is also not accepted. All students are expected to wear their academic uniform and to ONLY wear their sports uniform on days that they have their scheduled PE class. Detentions will be given to students who are refusing to adhere to the school's uniform policy.