From our Principal
Christine Pillot
From our Principal
Christine Pillot
CSDS Education Week activities have been a huge success, with students moving and singing along with the emotion21 and the Colourz incursion performances, to super hero dressing up, making masks, fun photo and video taking, and enjoying the whole school sausage sizzle lunch; it's been a super engaging week!
A special thank you to all of our staff who were involved in organising these activities and supporting all students to be involved and achieve success at their level. It was truly wonderful and pleasing to see the joy in all!
In preparation for the new build, in the next school holidays we will have two portables removed from our school, rooms 1/2 and 17/18. Our primary classes in rooms 1/2 will relocate in the coming weeks to rooms 15/16, the portable to the right of rooms 19/20.
Temporary fencing will be installed across part of the primary play space and school car park area. This will see a temporary loss of the current parent carpark for student drop off and pick up times. We would like to form a working party to discuss alternate car park options for drop off and pick up arrangements over the next 18 months. It's important to have parents/carers involved to consider possibilities and create temporary arrangements that will work for you. Please come in and see me, phone the office, (9725 4933) or email the school if you would like to be a part of this working party.
Last week school council endorsed the Curriculum Framework policy.
I would like to remind you that all that the Croydon SDS policies can be found on our school website and now also on Compass, in 'School Documentation', under the 'Community' tab.