
We’re very excited to be reviving the Interhouse Dressage Day. The House sport date has changed, and this will now be Thursday June 8th 2023. This is the Thursday before the long weekend so a great opportunity to ride and then take horses home for the four-day break. More information and entry forms are attached.


A huge congratulations to Zoe Weinberg and Muirne Reilly who competed in the Ballarat International Horse Trials last weekend. Zoe competed in the EvA95cm and placed a very competitive 9th out a field of 35. This was Muirne’s first ever horse trials at 95cm and they had a clear show jumping round and dressage test.  Horse Trials requires a rider to not only complete a show jumping and cross-country round, but they also compete in dressage so both rider and horse need to be gymnastic and versatile. Well done ladies!


Sophie Hill and Kacey enjoying a quiet moment before going back to the paddock.
Sophie Hill and Kacey enjoying a quiet moment before going back to the paddock.


Nerrida Prosser

Head of Equine