Teaching and Learning

Term 2
This week was Education Week with the theme ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, celebrating physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education. Education Week is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the wonderful learning that our students do each and every day. It was great to see many parents, carers, grandparents and special friends who attended the Open Morning and enjoyed some time with their child in the classroom. Students and visitors participated in some fun, hands-on activities together and were able to participate in the fantastic learning happening in each section.
Across the school, students and their families were treated to a range of different activities based on some of the learning from their current Discovery Units. The focus of this discovery learning has been ‘Identity, Creativity and Wellbeing’ which has included different concepts such as expression, wellbeing, change, identity, choices, personal responsibility.
Open Morning provides a fantastic opportunity to bring our school community together. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, education support staff, allied health staff and administration staff who work together to provide an outstanding education for all students.
Karlie Gooding & Flora Nixon
Assistant Principals
Teaching and Learning