Every Day Counts

As we reach the midpoint of Term 2, I am again reminded of how quickly time flies during a busy term. There have been many fantastic events that have taken place during the first half of the term, and we are thrilled to share them with you in this newsletter. From excursions to engaging workshops, our students have had incredible opportunities to broaden their horizons and explore new interests. I want to thank our students for their enthusiastic participation, positive attitude, and unwavering efforts in making these events a resounding success.
Youth Mental Health Seminar
At Cecil Hills High School, we understand that student wellbeing is of utmost importance, and we strive to create a safe and supportive environment for all. Our dedicated welfare team are always available to provide guidance, assistance, and a listening ear to any student who may need it. We also encourage parents to maintain open lines of communication with us, as together we can ensure the overall wellbeing of our students.
Earlier this term, we held our Youth Mental Health Seminar, which was hosted by Ms Nikolina Cupac (Year 10 Adviser) and Mr Jonathan Brancatti (Student Support Officer).
This online event was well attended by parents and the feedback was extremely positive. We will be holding regular forums throughout the year, covering a broad range of topics and we encourage all parents to attend and contribute. If you have any topics that you would like us to cover, please contact the school and we can tailor these forums accordingly.
You can access the recording of the seminar below:
Attendance Matters
We want to do all we can to be sure your child achieves their potential and enjoys being in school. Over the next few weeks, you may see the Every Day Matters campaign highlighting that good school attendance is key for your child to being able to fulfil their potential and make good progress at school.
We know that school is the best place to learn. By attending school every day your child will get the most out of their learning and improve their career and life options.
When your child is absent it is important you let the school know, including the reason why, one the day or the day before. This helps make sure we know where our students are and offer support for you and your family if needed.
If you are having trouble getting your child to school every day or on time, please talk to our school staff so we can work together, because every day counts.
Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can negatively impact your child’s learning and wellbeing. When your child misses one day a week that’s 40 days of school and 8 weeks of learning in one year. Over an entire school journey this adds up to 2.5 years of lost learning.
As Winter approaches
While COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses are around especially during the winter months, schools will continue to use COVID-smart measures to minimise the risk of transmission.
If your child is unwell they will need to stay home, get tested for COVID-19 if they are experiencing symptoms and only return to school when symptom free.
Student leave during school terms
A reminder that planned travel should only be taken during school holidays and students should be at school every day during school term, right from beginning to end.
Please contact the school if your child needs to miss school for any reason, so we can plan continued support for your child’s learning and wellbeing.
Michael Lane