Tuckshop News

Hamburger Day Friday 26th May! Orders only accepted up to 1 pm today

Dear Families - 

On Friday 26th May we celebrated Hamburger Day! What a day! 

We heard the excitement from the children in the early morning and we know you have heard about  the wonderful burgers that were on offer and about the CHIP-tastrophe! 

Yes! we decided to cook our own chips and fill 200 orders - never has this been done before and probably not the best day to start! (cost of buying external chips is too high for this many orders! ) With the Chips were was a 2 hr delay . 


Did that mean we had cranky rude children - no !! 

ALL THE CHILDREN were kind, patient , and understanding. As parents and teachers we are proud of the way they conducted themselves and the respect shown to all tuckshop volunteers !  A proud St.Bede’s moment - reinforcing our wonderful school community. 

Thank you to all our families for your patience and kindness with tuckshop and we ask for your continued patience as we navigate our way for the best chip procedure! 

We did hear - “oh these are the best chips ever “ and “they were worth the wait"

Lets hope it can only get better! 


Thank you 

Linda , Lisa M, Lisa S , and Viviana