en Français

Bonjour tout le monde! 


In Preps, we learn how to express our emotions en français. I can say “je suis content.” (I am happy).


In Grade 1/2 , we practise the action verbs in the classroom. Maintenant tout le monde se lève. (Now everybody stands up)


In Grade 3/4 , we are using our French Mat to practise some known and new vocabulary. The French language Mat is a great resource to practise everyday French in the classroom such as questions, joining words, useful verbs and phrases to use in the classroom: Est-ce que tu peux m'aider, s’il-te-plait? (Can you help me please?)


In Grade 5/6  , we review how to use our known vocabulary of the classroom objects to use them everyday in the classroom. Est-ce que je peux avoir un stylo s'il-vous-plaît? (Can I have a pen please?).


Each week, we can learn a new French word. The word of the week is: “le jeu” (the game).


À bientôt!

