From the Principal 

Week 10 Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


St Bede's Feast Day

A huge thank you to Ms Bernadette Reed and the whole staff for organising St Bede's Feast day last Thursday. The feedback has been very positive. Unfortunately I was sick and was unable to be there but from all reports the children had a wonderful day. 


Hamburger Day

Also thank you to the PA for "Hamburger Day" last Friday. Over 200 orders were filled!!  What an amazing effort. This says alot about our wonderful community. You will find a more detailed report under tuckshop news.


Reports/Parent Teacher Student  Interviews


Reports will be able to be accessed from  Friday 16th of June.  You will receive information soon on how you can access them online.   Parent/ Teacher /Student interviews will take place on  Thursday 22nd.  Information on how to book an appointmment will also be provided soon.


First Eucharist

This weekend 30 of our Yr 4 students will celebrate the sacrament of First Eucharist. This is a very exciting time for them. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers.



The new sensory playground was to be installed last week. There has been  a delay.  I am negotiating with the company on a start date. Mostly likely installation will take place during the holidays.


New Families

I welcome the many new families to St Bede's that have started in the past few weeks. It is wonderful to have you as part of our amazing community.  


Art Show 

Our Art Show will take place late in Term 3.  The children have been busy producing amazing "Works of Art"  both in Art and in the classroom.

Even the teachers have been busy preparing.

Be prepared to be WOWWWED


Have a great week

