Eclipse House News

If some of you can recall, last year in Eclipse we developed a list of house strengths from extensive individual surveys. As a measure of personal and community growth, we will be undertaking the same sequence of events shortly. As a form of reflection, I believe it is important to revisit the Eclipse strengths that have been ever so prominent in the last year. There are two that I would like to pay particular attention to. They are Humour and Teamwork. 

Eclipse House is a vibrant, energetic, and welcoming environment that is never short of laughter in hallways, common spaces and school grounds. There is always a joke on offer over afternoon tea, or funny story to tell over roll call or dinner. There are some more prominent characters in the house that thrive on humour as a way of making other boarders and staff alike feel welcome and included. I thank all Eclipse boarders for their fun-loving, witty and happy natures they bring. It continues to create a rich and joyful place to live and work. 


Teamwork is the second strength that continues to shine. There is a strong sense from all boarders in Eclipse to help where needed and lighten the load for others. It is on show during prep, dinner time, weekends, and morning duty. It is a wonderful strength to see daily. 


I look forward to seeing where the Eclipse boarders’ strengths venture in the coming weeks.

Bibbulmun Track Volunteering

After consultation with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and finalising logistics, the senior boarding community has the green light to start maintenance on our allocated section from Lowlands Beach to West Cape Howe Campsite. Tasks that we are excited to undertake are waterway building, foliage clearing, testing campsite water and general campsite maintenance. These activity days will be completed during weekends and is a great way of giving back to the community that gives so much to us. If you would like to be involved and offer support please get in touch.


For many senior boarders, exams are not far away. Eclipse has developed a productive and strong work ethic during prep. It has been great having tutor Mr Josh Carson supporting the boys twice a week and Mrs Teliah Turrill helping with English once a week. I encourage all boys to keep up the great work but to also manage their time well and balance their study with regular breaks and outside endeavours to keep stress levels low and mental sharpness high. 


We wish Darcy Barrett a very happy birthday this month.  Darcy had more than one reason to celebrate as he also passed his driving test.  Congratulations Darcy on both counts.

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. 


Mr Taylor Colton | Head of Eclipse House


"Small Tin, Big Impact: Fill the Tin, Fund the Cause!"

Fundraising is often seen as a complex endeavour, requiring meticulous planning and elaborate events. However, sometimes the simplest ideas can make a significant impact. 


In Term Four last year, myself and some other boys in the boarding house discovered the power of a Milo tin and an A4 piece of paper stuck on the side, starting a small donation tin for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). I personally have had multiple family members and friends who have used this vital service due to our remote location and many of the other boys have had the same experience. On 17 May the RFDS celebrated Flying Doctor Day and 95 years of providing emergency aeromedical and essential health care services to the Australian community. In celebration of this, we have emptied the tin and counted over $200 worth of coins and notes. Considering we spent a whole 20 minutes creating this tin, I think this is a fair effort. We will now be replacing the tin to raise money for Beyond Blue focusing on mental health in rural areas. “Fill The Tin, Fund The Cause!”


Pierce Newman | School Captain