
Armajun Dental Visit Monday 8th
We thank Armajun for visiting our school and allowing some of our studnts to undergo a free dental check. It is vital that we take good care of our teeth and thank them for the advice given to us.
Uniform Expectations
As the term progresses we are starting to transition into our winter uniform. We have decided that the month of May will have an optional clothing choice. Either winter or summer uniform is fine. As of June the winter uniform will be expected.
We again encourage all students and families to wear their correct uniform (or at least let us know if it cannot be worn for whatever reason). The office has new and used uniforms which can be purchased.
As another reminder all earrings are to be either studs or sleepers only. Students are also not to have any fake/stick on nails while at school.
Any further questions about our uniform policies please ask.
Worker of the Week Awards
Congratulations to our amazing worker of the week award recipients and cross country participants.
Well done.
DIO Cross Country
Well done to all students who represented our school at the recent DIO Cross Country trials held in Barraba. You should all be very proud of your efforts.