Tell your child the secret word is "Gringots" for bonus house points
Upcoming Learning
During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:
I can explore word origins
I can comprehend a variety of text types
I can apply my writing knowledge to recount writing
I can publish my writing in my scrapbook
I can understand decimals
I can understand fractions
I can understand percentages
I can understand how air and water can generate electricity
I can gain an understanding of prototypes and safe food handling and preparation.
Social & Emotional Learning
I can understand positive and negative coping strategies
News and Reminders
As part of our transition to high school practise, year 6 will be running Hillsmeade High, where students will be learning to follow a timetable and have each lesson conducted by a different year 6 teacher.
Scrapbooking has begun. Please have a scrapbook/plastic pocket folder ready
Completion of payment are now being accepted for our Year 6 Camp in November. Please see Compass for more information.
Year 6’s have been busy reflecting on their time at Hillsmeade Primary School. One of the activities was to reflect on a time that they remember at Hillsmeade and taking the time to say Thank-You.