Year 4 Update

Mr Turvey, Mr Cooper, Mrs Floyd, Mrs Camilleri, Mrs Owen, Ms Thorpe, Mrs Ewing

Bryce Turvey 4A
Carly Camilleri 4E
Carrie Floyd 4B
Kirsty-Lee Thorpe 4C
Michelle Ewing 4D
Lainie Owen 4E
Mark Cooper 4B
Bryce Turvey 4A
Carly Camilleri 4E
Carrie Floyd 4B
Kirsty-Lee Thorpe 4C
Michelle Ewing 4D
Lainie Owen 4E
Mark Cooper 4B

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

To understand how to scan texts for information.

To utilise non-fiction texts to expand our vocabulary. 

WritingTo continue narrative writing with a focus on the use of dialogue and strong endings.
MathsTo record and compare units of measurement including temperature and mass.

To understand what components are in soil. 

To understand what is weathering and how does it make soil. 


To identify significant events in Australian history.

To explore the impacts of settlement on our First Nations people.

HealthTo explore the impact of advertising and the media. 

News and Reminders:

  • Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday (no school) - Tuesday 1st November 
  • Water Safety Excursion - Monday 14th November
  • Hats are to be worn all of Term 4.

Celebration of Learning:

4C students creating timelines after reading our Inquiry text 'My Place'
4C students creating timelines after reading our Inquiry text 'My Place'