Who is Jesus? There are numerous passages in the bible that share images and symbols of Jesus.


“I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger.” (John 6:35)

“I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

“I am the gate; if anyone enters through me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9)

“I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.” (John 10:11)


Students in grade 5 have been exploring these passages, other imagery and the “I AM” statements made by Jesus. To reflect on their learning they have created some of their own descriptions.

Come see our work on display near the grade 5/6 classrooms


Amelia, Mietta, Jess and Sarah: Our focus for religion has been Images of Jesus. We created Word Art filled with words explaining what Jesus' character is like. Some examples of words that we used are saviour, fearless, our shield and leader. We had to think of anything that came to mind when we thought of Jesus. We are glad we can share our learning with the rest of the school community!


Natalie and Zoe: This semester we have been learning about Jesus in Art. We have created drawings of things that represent him, and we have researched the bible and learnt how to find passages. Learning about Jesus is really inspiring and helping us to remember to forgive and forget and to help each other to be successful. It has been so great learning about Jesus and God and what Jesus has done for us. He went through so much for us. We should always remember him. 


Joe and Ashton: This term the year 5s in religion have been learning about Images, Symbols and Language of Jesus. We have been looking at artwork of Jesus and we have also been looking at personality descriptions of Jesus. We made our own artwork in the form of Word Art. We wrote words that relate to Jesus such as “The Lord” and “The Messenger”. We have learnt a lot about how people see Jesus in different ways.


Brielle and Daisy: The things we've learned about Jesus is that he showed us how much he cared for us by sacrificing his life. We thank him for all he has done. We know that he is always watching us in the good times and the bad times and we will never forget that. This semester we have been learning about who he was, a great person who was kind to everyone that he met.


Cara, Pete, Philippa and Jaz: This semester we have learned about the parts of the bible, the old testament and the new testament. We read lots of stories that show who Jesus is and we have learned about Jesus and his “I am” statements. We have learned about Jesus in art and how he has been shown over the years. We have loved learning about it.


Jonah, Fletcher and Flynn: These past two terms we have been learning about images of Jesus. Last term we worked on things that he did for us and learned how to find stories in the bible. We did Word Art to explain the words of God and the images of Jesus.


Lachie: This semester we have learned a lot and done a lot during our religion lessons. This includes learning to navigate the bible, going around the school taking pictures of Images of Jesus, making posters that show what we know about Jesus, and much more! We’ve learnt about Jesus’ life and the various “I am” statements about him such as The Good Shepherd, The Gate, The Light of the World.


Asher Rose, Ellyse and Mabel: This term we have learnt about Images of Jesus and who he was. Jesus has been seen in many different ways by different people throughout the many years. Throughout this term we wrote lots of words that describe him in different ways. Some of these words were generous, forgiving and peaceful. 


Samantha and Georgiana: This year we learnt about images of God and what God and Jesus said. For example, I am the key to life. I am a good shepherd. I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world. I am a gate. I am the true vine. I am a leader. I am everyone's friend. 


Seth, Lewis and James Kite: This semester we have been learning about images and symbols of Jesus. We have looked at different words that can be used to describe Jesus and how he is described in the bible. We have also seen what Jesus looked like in art.