Term 4
Term 4
Home Reading Program
We recommend that students read for 15 minutes each night. Additionally, we encourage students to continue reading and spelling the word list words sent home to their readers. Students may like to choose 5-10 words from the list to practice each night. We use 'sound buttons' to identify sounds and help us spell new words in the classroom. You may like to ask your child to show you, using the template below as a guide. Here are some ideas to make spelling fun at home:
Reading Apps
Raz Kids for Spanish Reading
Nessy for English Phonics
A reminder that Term 4 is a hat term! Please ensure that you wash, label, and pack your child's hat. On the same note, please make sure that all school uniform items are labelled with your child's full name.
Swimming lessons will commence on Thursday week 5. They will be held at Coburg Leisure Centre. Each lesson will run for 45 minutes. Please make sure permission forms and payments have been sent through Sentral. The due date is the 21st of October 2022. Swimming lessons will be grouped by 23AB and C going together and 23D and EF.