2/3 News
From Trash to Treasure
Congratulation to all the 23s. You have all put in an incredible amount of effort, not only for production week but also throughout your rehearsals. You have shown great responsibility by looking after your costumes and preparing for the stage. All the teachers are proud of your efforts; you should be too.
23s swimming lessons will commence on Thursday, week 5. They will be held at Coburg Leisure Centre. Each lesson will run for 45 minutes. Please make sure permission forms and payments have been sent through Sentral. The due date is the 21st of October, 2022. Swimming lessons will be grouped by 23AB and C going together and 23D and EF.
Parent Session - Respectful Relationships, human sexuality, consent, and body safety presentation.
This a reminder to all parents that Vanessa Hamilton is providing a parent seminar for the Newlands community. This will be held on the 18th of October at 8 pm via Zoom. How to register has been sent via Sentral.
Devices in STEAM
All 23 students must bring their laptops/devices on Tuesday for specialist days for weeks 2, 3, and 4.
Grade 3 Buddy Program
To support the transition into the senior years, every Friday at lunchtime, students from Grades 3 and 4 are to meet in the quadrangle and have lunch together. During Care for the community, students will do activities together to reconnect and build new friendships. Students will have opportunities to ask questions and wonder about the 456 space. This will start from Week 3, Friday the 21st.