Theatrical Event
How great was it to return to presenting a whole school performance? The fact that the school has grown significantly to needing TWO nights was fantastic. As you may recall, our last concert was way back in 2018, when our Year Four students were Preps.
Witnessing the kids' enthusiasm and energy as they performed their items was wonderful. The countless positive comments from parents at the interval and after the performance was excellent.
Thanks to Carol and Laura for their direction and positive and supportive assistance for all the kids. Performances of this size need enormous behind-the-scenes support, so to the teachers, aides and parents, a huge thank you.
See you in 2024.
Ground & Building Works Update
The completion of Rob & Daisy's classroom relocation works has been delayed another week due to the bad weather we have experienced this week. We expect to have the classroom operational by the end of following week.
The general play area should be available to the students starting Monday, 23/10/2022. We hope the ground has dried sufficiently by then for Ray to mow so we don't lose any Preps.
During Term 4, our Homework program will change to consist of at least 10 minutes of reading at home each night. We ask families to build nightly routines for students to read books alone or with adults. Students can use their read take-home readers or books in their home collection or digital texts on BugClub and RazKidz.