Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

R U OK? Day
Last week we celebrated R U OK? Day. R U OK? Day is a National Day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the right day to ask, "are you OK?" and support those struggling with life's ups and downs.
The theme for 2022 was ASK - no qualifications needed.
You don't need to be an expert to ask the question. These conversation tips can help anyone who wants to support their friends, family and colleagues.
Self-care tips for the holidays:
- Ask for help.
- Monitor social media use.
- Get outside!
- Continue to engage with your education and study but remember to take breaks.
- Eat well, sleep well, laugh well, exercise well!
- Connect with others.
- Be kind to yourself and others.
- Read.
- Engage with hobbies that interest you; cook, create, draw, colour, build and dream.
- Breathe!
The Wellbeing Team