Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone, 


All Day OSHC Monday the 31st of October will go ahead.

If you need care for Monday 31st of October, please make your booking through Xplor Home app on calendar. If you are unable to select Student Free Day roll, please write All DAY OSHC on the comment. 

Operating hours will be from 7:30 am – 6:00pm

Please bring lunch boxes as per normal school day. OSHC will provide for breakfast and afternoon tea. Also, don’t forget your hat!


Missing Animal Toys

Some of our beautiful (and expensive) animal toys have been missing from the program. We think they just went on a road trip with some of the students and now they have lost their way to OSHC! They all have been marked OSHC. If you see them, could you please help them to get back to our program?  That would make some of our students really happy! Thank you


PROGRAM For week 4 Term 4:




(*) a variety of cereals is offered (porridge, corn flakes, weet-bix, rice balls) and a selection of toast (wholemeal bread or fruit toast) with spreads (jam, butter, nuttlex or vegemite) is available every morning

(**) fruit and vegetable platters are offered every afternoon 

Please Note: Focus activity and menu are subject to any change