Mission and Identity 

  • Internal Graduation
  • Graduation Mass

Internal Graduation

Our Internal Graduation provided the College with the opportunity to symbolically hand over the student leadership of the College. This tradition sees the outgoing student leaders of 2022 pass onto the student leaders for 2023 our sacred items that remind us of our faith, service and our God. Our symbols include: The Processional Gospel, the College Banner and the College Candle. We look forward to the leadership of students in 2023, knowing that an excellent standard was set by the Class of 2022.

Graduation Mass

Our external Graduation Mass for the families of our Year 12 students was held this morning in the Parish of Our Lady of Dolours. Another tradition of the College is for the Gospel Reading to be The Great Commissioning. Just as Jesus sent his disciples to go and make a difference, so too, St Pius X College looks towards our graduating class to go out into the world, making a positive difference given the values that they have had instilled in them from their time at the College. We thank Fr David for celebrating this significant event on the College calendar.


Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity