Library, Clubs & Activities 

Senior VCAL Job Camp


 Vasilis  MOURATIDIS about Job Camp, "“It has been a wonderful opportunity for the senior VCAL students to gain a variety of work related skills and experience and gain some useful qualifications.”


THS Community Leadership

Two of our Year 12 students, Cas and Max recently had the opportunity to attend a gender and sexuality conference at Melbourne Grammar. There were 15 schools in attendance from all across Melbourne. Students had the opportunity to share ideas and hopes for the future of LGBTIQ+ inclusion in schools. Our students did an amazing job presenting on how to be an active ally. It was a fantastic opportunity to not only meet such a variety of other schools, but to also showcase the knowledge and skills of our own students. 




It was truly wonderful to celebrate Book Week in person this year. Lunchtime activities included a bookmark competition organised by the Arts committee, blackout poetry and origami bookmarks.


The highlight of the week was, of course, the costume parade. Strutting down the runway, the 30 participants proudly showed off their costumes. The enthusiastic audience were treated to an array of characters ranging from the historical - Cleopatra, Boudica and Queen Elizabeth I - to the fantastical - Frodo and Legolas, to the macabre - the axe scene from American psycho! Well done to all participants!


Thank you to our Year 12 student judges - Mia Armstrong, Sarah Arquiza and Hugo Cooper - for selecting the following prize winners:

  • 1st overall winner for best costume - David Huang as the Samurai from The way of the Samurai
  • 2nd overall winner for best costume - William Harrington as Levi from Attack on Titan by Hajimi Isayama
  • 3rd overall winner for best costume – Alex Makopoulos as Slappy the ventriloquist dummy from Night of the Living Dummy by R.L Stine
  • Best homemade costume - Joe Joyce as Froggy from The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer
  • Most original costume – Anika Menz, Moushmi Madhu and Poppy Winter as The Tombliboos - Eee, Ooo, Unn from In the Night Garden
  • Best in-character performance – Jim Bridgewater and Tom Murphy as Patrick Bateman & Paul Allen from American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis
  • Best Staff costume - The English team as characters from The Lord of the Flies by William Golding (complete with pig’s head!)
  • Librarian’s choice - Aya Mohamed as Cleopatra

Stay tuned for the video on the THS YouTube channel. Thank you to all participants as well as the students and staff who helped make this joyous event a success.


From the THS Team Library

Helen Rodda, Prue Doig and Blaga Fakos