School News

Upcoming Dates, RE News, Library News & Important Updates


Please click here to access our school calendar to view all important upcoming dates. St Edward's Parent Calendar can also be accessed via your Compass Portal. From the Compass app you can access the calendar from the calendar symbol at the bottom of the screen. If you are accessing Compass via a browser the calendar symbol is on the top left.


First Eucharist - This Sunday

Please keep the candidates in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. The First Eucharist Mass will be held this Sunday 19th June, 9.00am at Mary Help of Christians Church. 

Families are asked to be at the church by 8.50am. Please leave plenty of time to find a park prior to Mass. 

Candidates will need to see Mrs Clarke or a Year 3 teacher in the foyer to receive their pack.


Please note: Students wishing to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist must be Baptised, have made their First Confession and attended one of our enrolment liturgies.



Next week is Marriage and Family Week. 

Bishop Michael Kennedy has instructed that all students in Armidale Diocesan Catholic schools have a lesson with a specific focus on “Family” during Marriage and Family Week. This year the dates for Marriage and Family week have been altered to coincide with the 10th World Meeting of Families which will take place 22 – 26 June 2022 in a multicentric form, with Rome as the main location.  This event is organised by The Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and the Diocese of Rome.

The theme - “Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness” intends to highlight family love as a vocation and as a way of holiness, so as to understand and share the profound and salvific meaning of family relationships in daily life.”


NEW Parent Collection


Last week saw the launch of our new Parent Collection. This is a very exciting development to support our families in another practical and informative way as this collection is designed to be loaned to parents when they need support on a particular subject. 


Through conversation with our school leaders and teachers, there may be a need for your child that an information book or a children's picture book may help with. 


This is also the place to locate our 1000 Books Before School packs. Please see the ladies at the Infants Office and they will be happy to set you up.


For further information on what we have to offer, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Sheridan, Mrs Brownsmith, Dr Jake or any of our school leaders at the Infants campus.

Lego Challenge winners

Last week at our primary campus we had a Lego Challenge week. This opportunity rolls around every few weeks and last week the challenge was to build a castle.

There were some great castles, so many in fact, that we had two winning groups. Unfortunately, not all were available for a photo but the winners were:

Amiah and Zahlia in one group. AND

Siara, Annabelle, Hunter  and Isabella in another.

Isabella, Annabelle and Amiah.
Isabella, Annabelle and Amiah.

PRC reminder for participants

Another gentle reminder that this year's Premier's Reading Challenge closes in mid term 3 so, if you are completing this at home with your child, please be noting the books on your PRC log in Reading Record so everyone gets to complete it who nominated in term 1. Thank you.

What day is the library open on each campus?

Primary:  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every week.

Infants:   Thursday and Friday every week.

Both campuses are open:

From 8.15am for Early Bird reading and sticker collecting; and Recess and Lunch in playtime for reading, drawing and various clubs.


See you in the Library,

Mrs Annie 

K-6 Teacher Librarian

School TV

Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.


SchoolTV addresses this as an online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.


Check out the resources on our school website @