Year 9 students have been learning about Australia’s involvement at War. They have learnt about recruitment processes, key battles and the impact on the home front. During this topic they have been given the chance to try ‘bully beef’, a ration-pack staple, as well as learn about Trench Warfare through hands-on activities. 



Year 12 Geography students have recently returned from a field trip to the Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo as part of their studies of ‘People and Economic Activity’.


Fieldwork is a means of understanding geographical environments and the nature of geographical inquiry. Fieldwork can enhance learning opportunities for a wide range of students because it caters for a variety of teaching and learning styles.


Students stayed at the zoo as part of the ZooSnooz program. Students visited the Education Centre within the zoo, for a lesson based on the dot points within the NSW syllabus.

Mr Rod Buik | HSIE KLA Leader