

Each year on the first Sunday after Pentecost we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, also known as Trinity Sunday. The Trinity is “the central mystery of Christian faith and life…[and] the source of all the other mysteries of faith” (CCC 234). 


The life of our Church communities flows from this central belief that the one true God exists as three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Since the very beginning of time, God has gradually revealed the truth of his Trinitarian being, throughout our salvation history Jyoti Sahi Art Ashram (2007) presents this beautiful representation of the Trinity in the Landscape. They draw inspiration from nature and from St. Ignatius of Loyola,  “suggesting that wherever you find the structure of three in nature, you can be reminded of the Holy Trinity.”


In this painting, the hands on the left and right appear to show the nail piercings of the Crucifixion, while the middle hand is holding a white flower (perhaps a lotus, which is loaded with symbolism). The white bird literally circling above presumably represents the Holy Spirit; the Dove of Peace. 


The divine reality of God is present in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but also manifest in the people we love and meet, the world of nature that we adore, the animals that give us so much love, and the moments we share in life that give us delight, challenge, and opportunities to serve others in the various names of our wonderful God.


Let us pray…

Mighty Divine Presence, you permeate every atom within the universe. 

Enrich us with understanding of  you, in the three Persons of the Trinity. 

In the person of Jesus, we meet you and encounter your

 divine essence with our humanity. 


Bless us with insight, truth-telling and passion for the fullness of life.  

May God the Father bless us with an enriched faith to enter further into the Trinity, 

with the love that encircles the world.


May the Holy Spirit bless us with the faith to see your divine essence in the people we love and meet, in  the rawness of our natural world, in moments of delight, 

challenge, and service to others. 


May almighty God bless us all in the name of the Father, and the Son, 

and the Holy Spirit. Amen



Last Friday, College Staff had the opportunity to gather for our annual Staff Spirituality Day. The theme was ‘Inner Unity’ and we were fortunate to have our very own staff members; Mr Scott McAuliffe and Mrs Meg McDonnell share personal testimony of their experiences of Inner Unity within diverse Communities. This enrichment opportunity called us to contemplate the deeper meaning of the call to Missionary Discipleship within and outside of the Mater Dei Community. 


The purpose of the day was to provide insight into the spiritual theme of ‘Inner Unity’, promoting our abilities to nurture this spiritual gift in our own lives. Together, we contemplated how ‘Inner Unity’ transcends the personal and helps shape and build Communities which are an expression of Christ’s love.   



Student Leadership Conference 

Mater Dei is fortunate to be hosting the Nagle Education Alliance of Australia Student Leadership Conference from 16 - 19 August, this year. During Term 1, Year 10 students had the opportunity to apply to become a Mater Dei Catholic College Ambassador, to represent our community and lead our conference delegates through a range of cultural, enrichment and leadership-orientated experiences. Following this, Taylor Smyth, Emily Pike, Tempey Nicholson and Emily Saeki were selected.   


Last week our Student Ambassadors led a live Zoom Conference to personally offer an invitation to Presentation Heritage Schools around the country to attend. 


The four-day event will include the following conference highlights; Opening Ceremony, On-Country Experience at Marrambidya Wetlands, visit to Mt Erin Heritage Centre and Erin Earth, Lunch at Mt Erin Boarding School, Service and cultural activities, a Reflection Walk, a Conference Dinner and a Closing Liturgical Ceremony.  



Year 11 students will participate in a Reflection Day on Monday 27 June 2022. The faith formation program will involve a series of inclusive workshops, led by Chris Doyle from ‘Karis Ministries’ on-site, in our Marian Centre.


Servant Leadership will be the particular focus of the day with students called to enrich the lives of others by creating a more just and caring world. Jesus explained to his followers that their practice of leadership was to be distinctly different from the self-seeking, self-serving, and domineering style of leadership often found in the world: "Whoever would be first among you, must be servant of all" (Mk 10:42-44; Mt 20: 25-28).


A servant leader focuses on the growth and well-being of the people and communities to which they belong. This theme supports our program of Student Leadership formation, which will be continued on Tuesday 28 June, from 9.00am until 11.00am.  


A morning tea of cake and fruit will be provided on Monday, however, if students have particular dietary requirements, they are encouraged to bring their own. Students will need to wear their Sports Uniform on Monday 27 June and their College Uniform on Tuesday 28 June. 


Thank you for your support of these valuable formation experiences.



On Wednesday evening Mrs Thomas and I travelled to Albury, to join with new staff representatives Ms Mikka Drummond and Ms Stephanie Noske for the 2022 Commissioning Mass. This special Mass was celebrated by Bishop Mark and dedicated to the commissioning of new staff members from around the Diocese in their vocation and role; sharing in the educational and evangelising mission of the Catholic Church.   


Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission