Principal's Address

The Feast of the Sacred Heart, celebrated on 24 June this year, is a very significant day in the life of our College and in Sacred Heart Parish Kooringal, where Mater Dei Catholic College is located.


The Sacred Heart is a reminder of God’s unconditional love for us all and the importance of sharing that love, care and hope with those we meet in our everyday encounters. It is about giving our time to the anxious and the lonely, about putting people before things and using our gifts and resources for the common good. 


The Sacred Heart is also a reminder of the importance and value of faithful service to God. It held a special place in the faith life of Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters, which is an important link with the College’s foundation. The Sacred Heart is a call to put aside our own prejudices and preferences and to work with all people selflessly to make a real difference in our own and the global community.


At this time we remember with gratitude our beloved Fr Wilf Plunkett, whose funeral took place on this special Feast Day in 2020. His life and service epitomised all that the Sacred Heart represents. Fr Plunkett lives on in our hearts and memories, as we recall the many events and occasions that he shared at Mater Dei. 


Our beautiful Plunkett’s Cross, which is a focal point in the gathering space adjacent to the Marian Centre, provides a perfect backdrop for us all as we go about our daily lives, to give thanks for Fr Plunkett and the extraordinary gift that he was to our College community and our Parish. 


At this Feast of the Sacred Heart, we take time to acknowledge and give thanks for our priests Fr Paddy and Fr Jomer and the Clergy, Religious and Laity who have devotedly served the Church over many years and those who continue in this important work today. This spirit is captured in the Sacred Heart Parish Prayer:


We come together as Kooringal Parish under the patronage of the
 Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We pray together with love and trust in the Sacred Heart.
May we listen to and understand Jesus voice.
May the Holy Spirit give us strength and courage so that we can 
be as loving and outgoing as His heart.
We pray this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen



Applications are now opened. Scholarship information has been emailed to parents/carers. 

  1. Academic Scholarship for two Year 7 students in 2023 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 4 years.
  2. Music Scholarship for one students from Year 7 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 2 years.
  3. Academic Scholarship for two Year 11 students in 2023 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 2 years.
  4. Pauline O’Brien Bursary for one student in Year 7 2023 based on the Bursary criteria.
  5. Mater Dei Catholic College Bursary for one current student in 2023 based on the Bursary criteria.
  6. Details of all scholarships and bursaries are available on the College website in the Scholarships and Bursaries sections of the Enrolment page. 


Just prior to COVID, we began a process of looking into the possibility of adding additional items to the College uniform, in response to requests from parents and students. These included:

  • Girls’ winter long pants
  • Boys’ winter shirt that does not tuck in
  • Girls’ summer shorts/culotte
  • Non-wool Jumper options 

With access to samples and product lines gradually resuming, we are moving forward with the consultation processes around these items. The Student Representative Council will be involved so that there is a student voice in the design process, with the College Council providing the avenue for parental input and feedback.


It is important to stress that the items under consideration are optional additions to the uniform only. Current uniform items will not need to be replaced if/when they are introduced. Details and a timeline for the development and implementation of the items will be shared as we work through the various stages of the process. 


We hope that offering additional, optional uniform items that have the benefit of parent and student input into their design, will offer greater levels of comfort and flexibility for our Mater Dei students.


In the meantime, parents are reminded that during the cold winter weather at the moment, students can wear additional items of warm clothing underneath their uniforms, so long as they are not visible. Hoodies are not permitted.



Mr Mark Gleeson, who is currently on Long Service Leave, has submitted his resignation effective from the end of Term 2. Mr Gleeson is a passionate HSIE teacher and a foundation member of staff, who has taught at Mater Dei for the past nineteen years. I take this opportunity to thank Mr Gleeson for his outstanding contribution to the College during that time and to wish him every blessing for the future.


We will also farewell two temporary members of staff as the term draws to a close: 

  • Ms Rosie Maunder, who has replaced Mr Gleeson, will conclude her time at Mater Dei. We wish her well for her overseas travels.
  • Ms Keira Barnes who has replaced Ms Bianca Fonte on Parental Leave, will conclude her contract. We hope to see her continue at the College in a casual teacher capacity.

I thank Rosie and Keira for their contribution to the College this semester.



Our community has been deeply saddened by the loss of Terry Preston who passed away last week after a period of illness. We pray for the repose of Terry’s soul and for his son Josh in Year 9 Kennedy 1, wife Andrea, older siblings Kaleb and Emma and the Preston family.


We also pray for Mrs Trina Rynehart and her family on the loss of her brother Matty last week after a long illness. 


Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. 

May perpetual light shine upon them. 

May they rest in peace. Amen.


We keep the Donebus family in our prayers with the recent anniversary of Illaria’s death.


As we acknowledge Refugee Week, which commences this Sunday, 19 June, we call our civic and community leaders to justice, generosity and compassion. Help them create and implement strategies that are fair and just and treat refugees and asylum-seekers with dignity and care. May we all have hearts that are open to them and all who need our love and support. O God, our comforter, we ask you to comfort the broken-hearted and protect the vulnerable. Amen



During Term 3,  Mrs Val Thomas will be involved in a Principal Appraisal process as part of her on-going professional growth. The appraisal process seeks information from a variety of people associated with the school. The process aims to highlight the positive aspects of the leadership offered and identify areas for further development.


Input will be sought from members of staff, the Parish Priest, School Council representatives and parents in the completion of an anonymous survey which will be sent via Compass. This provides an opportunity to provide feedback to the Principal on how they are performing their duties and responsibilities and how they can work to develop their leadership more fully.


As part of the validation day visit, the panel will invite a sample of staff and school community members for an interview. 


The process will be led by a panel consisting of an experienced external educator with principal experience (Panel Chair) and up to two senior Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga personnel. Based on information gathered in the process, the panel will provide a Validation Report to the Principal outlining strengths, as well as areas for development.


Mrs Val Thomas | Principal