Learning in S39

Ms Pope

Middle School S39 Pope is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Procedure Writing in Year 6


The middle of Term 2 saw the writing genre change to Procedural texts. A procedure text explains how to do something and helps us to make or use something. Its function is to describe how something is done through a sequence of steps.


The Year 6s had a full day of performing different procedures, which they then used to write their own procedure texts.


In S36, students made friendship bracelets.

In S37 the students made sherbet.

In S38 the students used the computers to create a simple Minecraft structure.

In S39 the students made a watercolour birch tree picture. 

Here are the thoughts and responses from the members of S39:


My favourite activity was making sherbet because it was yum!
My favourite procedure was the birch trees because even if you made  a mistake it would still look beautiful.
I enjoyed the sherbet activity because we got to make something.
The best activity on procedure day was making the sherbet because we ate something and it was good. 
My favourite procedure was the sherbet because it was sweet and it tasted good. I like that we made something.
My favourite activity was the birch trees as we had to be creative and we were allowed to let our creativity flow.
I really enjoyed making the sherbet because it was delicious.
The best activity from procedure day was sherbet because I put too much citric acid which made it really sour.
I really enjoyed making the sherbet because we made our own thing and we got to enjoy it.
My favourite activity was the friendship bracelets because it was peaceful and I can now easily do it at home.
I enjoyed making the sherbet because we saw Mati’s (S35) reaction to eating the sherbet.
The best part of procedure day was making sherbet because the end product was tasty and it was fun to make.
The part about procedure day that I enjoyed the most was making the sherbet because it was yum.
My favourite activity from procedure day was Minecraft because it was fun. I like learning through a game because it made it more fun.
My favourite activity was making the sherbet, it was fun to make and yum.
My favourite procedure was Minecraft as I have played it before and I enjoyed it.

Ms Pope

Year 6 Teacher