Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King and Renee Cotterell

Hello and welcome to our last edition of the 'Springer News' for the term.

Open Afternoon

It was wonderful to welcome our families into the school on Wednesday this week as we celebrated our termly Open Afternoon event.  Thank you to everyone who came along and explored the learning, including the writing displays and the specialist areas.  Our Pakenham Springs Aerobic Team's demonstration performance was definitely a highlight for many.  $620 was raised through the sausage sizzle and drink sales, this will go towards fundraising efforts to support the team's participation in the National Championships which will be held on the Gold Coast in August. 








"NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and to participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth."

Springers in the Community

It's always wonderful when we have glowing reports about student conduct in the community. This week, our Year 4 cohort visited the Melbourne Museum and we were thrilled to receive comments about all students' ability to remain respectful, responsible and resilient while enjoying their day out.  Students have returned to school brimming with excitement and happy to share their learnings from the day - the Triceratops experience sounded great!


We have a large number of excursions coming up next term - how great is it that we can be extending our learning out and about again?!

Planning Days

Our Teacher Teams from Prep to Six and Specialists have each taken a day this week to collaborate and pace our Term Three learning.  On these planning days, teachers work together to analyze student learning data, professional development, the Victorian curriculum and the individual needs of each student.  Teachers set goals for themselves and for students to ensure ongoing learning.  We are proud of the work, effort and dedication our staff shows each day in meeting the needs of teaching and learning.  On planning days, students enjoy a full specialist program day.  This means they have every specialist subject on the one day.   

Victorian High Abilities Program (VHAP)


On Monday our Mathematics VHAP students went to Pakenham Consolidated Primary School and represented PSPS in the VHAP masterclass. Mr McKinnon was very proud of the way these students enthusiastically participated and extended their problem-solving, reasoning and application of advanced maths skills.  Students are selected to participate in the VHAP program based on academic excellence and capabilities in Literacy and Mathematics.

Jump Rope for Heart

We have had such a great time this term participating in Jump Rope for Heart. Students have developed their skipping skills throughout the term and have shown off their talents on our final day of term Skipping Event. It was lovely to have some families come and celebrate this event with us as well. As a school, we have also raised nearly $1300 for the Heart Foundation through students registering and getting sponsors. Well done to all involved!

COVID Safety Measures

it is important for all parents/guardians to continue to alert the school if a member in the family tests positive for COVID.


Face masks

While recommended, face masks are not required in any school setting.  Any students or staff members who wish to wear a mask may do so, including those who are medically at-risk. 


Positive Cases of COVID-19

Students who report a positive result must isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period. Where a student is a household contact of a positive case (that is, they have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility) they must inform the school. Household and household-like contacts are no longer required to quarantine as long as they take additional safety measures in the 7 days that would have been their quarantine period.  Household contacts are required to inform the school that they are attending during the 7-day period. They must test daily and wear a mask at school.


We look forward to sharing more of the Springs 

in the next edition, take care everyone.


The PSPS Leadership Team