Year 7

Year 7

Hello parents and guardians,

In Term 2 your child completed many performance tasks, have been competitive in our Connect group challenge for a pizza lunch, enjoyed a production on staying safe online, played in sport against other local secondary colleges, participated in a ‘movie day’ fundraiser for the school’s charity, completed NAPLAN and so much more.


Each and every student has given their very best and has shown such a positive attitude.  They are all amazing.


Term 3 also offers so many opportunities.  We start the term, Day 1, with camp.  What an awesome way to start the term. 


It was wonderful to see so many families at our Meet and Greet afternoon tea.  Parent and students mixed with staff and enjoyed some lovely refreshments followed by a presentation


Camp is just the beginning of a busy term, in and outside the classroom.


A reminder, if you have any questions or concerns, the Year 7 team is happy to take your call or email. 



Jo Reeman and the Year 7 team.