End of Term 2
School Review
Over the past two weeks the 4 yearly school review was conducted by the Department of Education to determine our achievements over the last four years and to set goals for the next four years.
The official report is not yet complete, however, the goals will focus on literacy, numeracy improvement, differentiated teaching and students taking an active role in their learning.
There were many groups involved in the feedback to the review team. My thanks to our School Council President, Katrina Franklin and the parents who took part in the webinar. There was also teacher, support staff and student forums - thank you to everyone involved.
Reporting and Assessment
This week the next round of Progress Reports will be released followed by a timetabled period for students to reflect on their progress and set goals for next term. There will also focus on the Grade Point Average (GPA) that provides an ongoing assessment of: Effort, Behaviour and Approaches to Learning.
Those students whose GPA falls below 3, will be involved in a learning conversation with one of the leadership team and/or year level coordinators to ascertain why and discuss strategies for improvement.
We will also be identifying those students who have improved and those who consistently score well, to congratulate them for the commitment and efforts.
End of Semester 1 Reports
Due to a large number of both staff and student absences, we have provided everyone with time to complete units of work and assessments until the end of term, including the Year 10 and 11 exams. This will delay the completion of academic reports until early in Term 3.
Planning for 2023
Planning for 2023 is well under way with the selection process for VCE VM (VCAL), Athlete Development Program and Excellence in Sport programs currently taking place.
An Information Evening for those students entering Middle School and Senior School will take place in the first week of Term 3 (Thursday 14 July).
Course advisory sessions will take place early in Term 3 for Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students.
Amongst the planning, it is helpful if we are aware of any students who may be exiting. Please let the School Office know if your child/ren will not be attending LHS in 2023.
Year 8 Significant Persons Project
It was a privilege to attend the two Significant Persons afternoon celebrations at which our Year 8 students showcased the work they had completed in English, Languages and Art classes to acknowledge a significant person in their lives.
Thank you to those who were in attendance, the students were so excited to share their work with you.
Year 11 Presentation Ball
Thank you to everyone for a great night at the Year 11 Presentation Ball at Crown, on Sunday 19 June. It’s always a joy to see families together at events such as these.
My thanks to Dani Devine for her incredible work to organise the event and to the Coordination team and Assistant Principals for their assistance on the night.
Please have a safe and restful break, we'll see everyone return to school on Monday July 11.
Wendy Powson