Awesome WHS Children: 

Photos of cool kids and their cool achievements.

Reece and Heidi competed in the interschool Dive Champs at West Wave, they finished a very creditable fifth overall.


Ryan’s dance school were finally able to do their prize giving for last year's exams. 

Ryan came top in his Hip Hop exam. He was awarded Excellence, which is the highest level you can achieve. 

Pretty proud of him, especially since they had to learn some of it via Zoom. 

Ryan was pretty happy about it too.







Rishaan Gupta from Rm 14 participated in New Zealand Modern School of Music Auckland's 2022 competitions held in Remuera.

He appeared for two keyboard tests and secured Gold Medals for both of his performances; winning the Music Maker Trophy for 2022.

Rishaan had been preparing for a few weeks, being his first-ever music competition he was nervous initially but really enjoyed it and is looking forward to returning to it next year.

Children's art displayed at Arataki upstairs by the main entranceway is from Room 15 artists  Brooklyn Reid, Dila Cegumalua, Elisha Singh, Emily Liu, Ethan Joaquin, Hazel Roke, Janette Yang, Jayden Zhang, Kyron Wright, Niall Patel, Olive Jung, Pita Lasike, Rosha Zandehbizadeh, Sahit Nandela, Sophia Mason, Varun Vasudevan.

There are 4 pieces of art displayed at Ranui Domain by Leon Kwocksun, Mariam Sadat, Oscar Wang and Tiffany Luo.


Art work by Debbie An



















Kath from our Tuck Shop with her hand-crafted royal tribute.













And a few other photos to share...

And finally, an ex-pupil.