School News 

Prep News 

Our newest Preps have settled in beautifully and already learnt lots of routines, including some classroom jobs! They are feeling very grown up!

In Reading, we've been learning about the features of books, for example the title and author, as well as how to read with a partner. We have been learning to write from 'top to bottom and left to right' (ask us to sing you our song!) Our sound focus this week is the letter M and we have been practising the upper and lowercase formations. In Maths we have been counting, ordering and writing the numbers. Our students love using their Inquiry skills during I-Time and have been enjoying making friends with peers with similar interests. We have been learning to introduce ourselves and share classroom items fairly.

Check out some of our happy snaps from our first few weeks at school!

Daena and Hailey 

First Day Writing
First Day Writing
First day feelings!
First Day Writing
First Day Writing
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
Reading is fun with a partner!
Reading is fun with a partner!
First Day Writing
First Day Writing
First Day Writing
First day feelings!
First Day Writing
First Day Writing
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
First day feelings!
Reading is fun with a partner!
Reading is fun with a partner!
First Day Writing

1/2 News

What a great start to 2020! We are loving our new learning space in the Boorai building and have been settling back into school routines. We have enjoyed getting to know our new classmates and teachers, making new friends and participating in games and activities where we can learn all about each other and understanding how we all ‘fit together’ – just like a puzzle.


Best wishes,

Teagan Cairns, Emma McCann, Kayla Hartrick, Alarna Creed, Tim Wilson and Claire Cripps 

3/4 News

Hi everybody and a huge welcome back to school, after what was hopefully an enjoyable holiday! The Level 3/4 students have all made a very positive start to their learning journey in 2020. We have many exciting activities and events planned for the term ahead and anticipate a fantastic year of learning.

The students are really enjoying their new classrooms and being in close proximity to the other children in their level. We are really excited about our learning spaces and can’t wait to utilise the new school library.  

We have spent time establishing our Reading and Writing communities over the last two weeks, ensuring that the students are familiar with routines and know what is expected of them. Please encourage your children to read regularly at home, as homework will not officially begin until next week.

The Level 3/4 team are excited about the year ahead and look forward to meeting you all at the ‘Getting to Know You’ interviews.


Kind Regards

The 3/4 Team: Carolyn, Elyce, Llinos and Vanessa

5/6 News 

Wow! Term 1 is well underway, with Week 4 on the horizon, and the 5/6 students have settled in wonderfully. We are loving the look of our new classrooms and now that we are back into our classroom routines and learning goals and expectations have been set we are well and truly ready to kick some goals for 2020!


So far, we have been been busy at work with the following learning focuses...

Reading: After considering what good readers do, how to select 'good fit' texts and building collections of reading material in our new book boxes we have been learning about 'fix up' strategies for reading. 'Fix up' strategies allow us to keep track of what we are reading, make self-corrections and deepen our comprehension. Throughout this week we have focused on the following 'fix up' strategies: thinking about what we have already read, re-reading, reading out loud,  using context clues, looking up words we don't know, asking questions, making connections, thinking about the author's purpose and paying attention to what we are reading. We have been tracking our thinking using sticky notes and collecting thoughts in our reader's notebooks. We have been spending a lot of time in our new library and are very excited about this new learning space!

Writing: We have been building our writing confidence, remembering that everyone is able to write and writing confidence comes with lots of practice. We have began using our writer's notebooks to collect brilliant ideas to build writing pieces from and have began developing components necessary for narrative writing, including: setting, characterisation, plot and viewpoint. We are following our writing process of pre-writing, drafting, revising editing and publishing to create some fabulous narratives.

Mathematics: We have kicked the year off working through timetable challenges that get our brain buzzing and allow us to strengthen our multiplication understanding. We have been focusing on understanding the importance of place value and solving addition and subtraction algorithms. On 'Figure it Out' Fridays we have been focusing on becoming brilliant mathematicians who can use problem solving strategies to show our mathematical thinking.

Homework: Keep an eye out for homework which will begin coming home next Friday (Week 4). Our weekly homework focuses will be spelling (collecting spelling words for our weekly spelling rule), English and Mathematics (completing a set worksheet) and Reading (recording daily reading in our homework book log or student diaries).


We are super excited for an incredible year of being our best selves as RHPS school leaders and role models. If you have any queries feel free to email your student's teacher to touch base. We are looking forward to catching up at the 'Getting to Know You' interviews on Monday and Tuesday evenings.


Kind regards,

The 5/6 Team: Rachel Boyle,  Mykaela Hodgett, Mel Layton, Damien Smith and Brendan Van Haaster.

Class Timetables

Next newsletter we will post class timetables for your fridge.