Parents' Club

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting - Thursday 27th February at 2.15pm


New Members Welcome!

The Annual General Meeting provides all parents or guardians of a child attending the school or any other interested individual of the immediate school community, with the opportunity to register as a member of the Parents' Club.  Membership is free. The positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer are declared vacant and open during the AGM and any registered member is eligible to apply.  For more information on these very rewarding roles or membership in general, please inquire at the office or speak to Mr Irwin.  


The Parents' Club  promotes the welfare of, and provides support to, the school and its community. Parents are key partners in their child’s learning. By interacting with the school and other parents, parent club members can use their skills and experience to work collaboratively with others in supporting the school and its students, and build a sense of community within the school. 

Fundraising 2020

Early bird offer with Entertainment Book.

A little more about us

The Parents' Club generally meets once a month. All parents are welcome to attend any of its meetings, however only registered members can vote. Many hands make light work and we warmly welcome any participation or support you can provide. For new families, it's a wonderful way to meet other parents too!


The Parents' Club provides many valuable services for our children. These include: 

- fundraising for the school

- assistance with various school activities

- catering for school functions including lunch order days

- assisting with classroom activities

Connect with us

Our Facebook page is run by our parent volunteers. Join the page to stay up to date with fundraising events and any other special events that might require volunteer support.

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