Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King, Scott McKinnon & Amy Jewell

Kerryn Baillie
Jane King
Scott McKinnon
Amy Jewell
Kerryn Baillie
Jane King
Scott McKinnon
Amy Jewell

Remembrance Day at P.S.P.S

On Thursday 11th November our school paused all operations as our School Captains (Jude and Janay) led the school in a remembrance speech, followed by a minute's silence, for those who have died or suffered in wars, conflicts and peace operations.  As always, they represented the school proudly, spoke clearly and showed respect.  Throughout the school, there was silence and also a show of respect.  A reminder that it only takes a minute to be reflective, to be thoughtful and to be mindful.  Lest We Forget.

Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)

This fortnight we congratulate four of our teachers in completing their VIT full registration requirement.  Moving from provisional to full registration takes 12-24mths of teaching and involves a detailed inquiry project, evidence of teaching practice and classroom observations.  This all comes together with the support of trained mentor teachers and a presentation to the leadership team.  CONGRATULATIONS to Sally Coote (Prep), Jayde Barlow (Year 1), Wendy Turner (Year 2) and Chelsie Selleck (Year 5) 

Ms Coote
Ms Barlow
Ms Turner
Ms Selleck
Ms Coote
Ms Barlow
Ms Turner
Ms Selleck

This Fortnight at 'The Springs'

A love for learning has filled the school!  The Year 4 teacher lead art classes is an example of this.  It's not 'just art' - the students have been learning about the types of artists and perception.  Mrs King was fortunate enough to join M32 with Mrs Windley this week.  "The students were so engaged and experiencing such success with their perception drawing, it made me want to join right in".

M31 Works of Art
M32 in Action Perception Drawing
M31 Works of Art
M32 in Action Perception Drawing

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

Did you know that at Pakenham Springs, we establish the purpose for learning and identify what success looks like prior to the lesson for both teachers and students?  You may hear your child talking about W.A.L.T and W.I.L.F - (We Are Learning To - Learning Goal and What I'm Looking For - Success Criteria) at home.  Teachers also follow a school 'Instructional Model' for all lessons.  The instructional model provides a consistent structure to the lesson and is researched in the benefits of explicit teaching, modelling and student independence.  Teachers rove the room to 'catch' student's understandings and misunderstandings and adjust by extending or intervening as needed.  The teacher refers back to the learning goal and success criteria through each lesson and ensures to promote reflection of learning for both themselves and their students. 


Instructional Model Framwork
Instructional Model Framwork

Vouchers available to help students to get active

Eligible families can now apply for a voucher that helps subsidise organised sport and recreation activities.


Financial support is now available to help Victorian families get children back into community sport and recreation activities.


The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions’ Get Active Kids Vouchers Program, along with the Active Schools Initiative, helps to ensure Victorian children become more active.


The Get Active Kids Vouchers program can cover up to $200 per child in costs associated with organised sport and recreation activities, including:

  • membership and registration fees
  • uniforms
  • equipment.


To be eligible for a voucher, children must be:

  • aged 18 years or younger
  • a Victorian resident
  • named on a valid and issued Australian Government Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card (at the time of applying)
  • named on a valid Australian Government Medicare card (at the time of applying).

The program includes a special consideration stream to support children living in care services and children who are provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants, and international students.


Parents and carers can apply for a voucher by completing the form on 

the Get Active Victoria website.


The voucher will cover expenses that have already been incurred by eligible families.

To be eligible to apply for a voucher, the membership, uniform and equipment costs must have been paid for between Saturday 1 January 2021 and Tuesday 30 November 2021.


Applications close 5pm Tuesday 30 November 2021.



For more information about the Get Active Kids Voucher Program, refer to 

the Get Active Victoria website.


For further enquiries about the Active Schools initiative, contact the Active Schools Team by email:

2022 Planning

Planning for the 2022 school year is well underway.  Thank you to the families who have let us know if they are intending to leave or have new enrolments.   Our Prep numbers are very important as we employ staff.  Please let us know if you know of an enrolment that isn't on our books yet.  As we begin interviewing and confirming staffing for 2022, this information is vital to ensure we plan for providing excellence in teaching and learning.



We are very much looking forward to a busy and productive fortnight ahead, take care.

The PSPS Leadership Team