Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Our Positive Behaviour Framework 

Last newsletter we explained our School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework here at St Joseph’s College; ‘Respect, Commit, Be Grateful’. 


We have included below our Behaviour Matrix that outlines these behaviours in line with being respectful, committed and grateful. 


We are focusing on Commitment over the next two weeks here at St Joseph’s. We would encourage you to also have conversations with your students about commitment and what this looks like. How do we show commitment in all aspects of our lives? How does our Matrix explain commitment and behaviours that demonstrate this? 


This is also an important time to reflect on this as we are striving to finish the year well and completing our final tasks and assessments. What goals can and have we set about commitment and how can we best plan to follow them through? 


When we consider the importance of having a growth mindset, this also enables us to see the value of commitment and be conscious of what we need to do to achieve our goals and enhance our approach and efforts. 

SchoolTV - Special Report

Managing Overwhelm

We received a positive response to our article and information on ‘Managing Overwhelm’ so we have re-published it below.


Willingly or not, we have all been exposed to a piece of bad news that has lingered in our thoughts for days afterwards. This seems to be more common in the current environment than ever before. Due to the pandemic, the world we now live in is a very different place, so it is easy to see why we might feel impacted. It can often seem like there are many stressful events occurring simultaneously, and the hyperconnected nature of our environment means we are constantly being reminded of the challenges we face via numerous media and social media channels. Our connectivity to the digital world exposes us to a barrage of messages that can often leave us feeling overwhelmed.


It is therefore important for children and parents alike, to consciously and intentionally learn good wellbeing strategies. Unfortunately, our brains have not evolved fast enough to adapt to the digital landscape we find ourselves in and this often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and can result in increased levels of stress and anxiety. If left untreated or unmanaged, constant stress and anxiety can lead to a number of behavioural issues or health consequences.


The blueprint for parenting, based on our own experiences, is no longer fit for purpose in raising kids as citizens of tomorrow. The combination of constant access to information and having little control over the situations presented, can be stressful and overwhelming. Although we can’t provide our kids with certainty, we can provide them with the skills and strategies to cope to enable them to flourish and thrive, socially, emotionally and academically. It may not necessarily be the information itself that is harmful, but more their inability to process and make sense of it.

Please remember we are here to help! If we can assist in supporting you and/or your student, please contact your student’s Learning Mentor, House Leader or


Rach Chapman

(College Leader - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing) and The Wellbeing Team