From the Classroom...B1 (Mrs Brown)

Board Games Fun!

On a Monday afternoon, B1 have been enjoying playing board games using sets of games purchased for the Brady Building. Each set contains games such as Uno, Monopoly Bid, Jenga, Snakes and Ladders, Chess and more. Students have thoroughly enjoyed playing these games together, especially using the fantastic gallery space in the Brady Building. These games encourage participation and cooperative play as well as turn taking and playing fairly. It is a great way to spend the afternoon, especially after swimming!

Jon, Jet, Fergus, Michael, Riley
Mia, Zoe, Layla
Millie, Makayla, Lily, Mia
Ryder, Brax
Sienna, Chantelle
Zoe, Phoebe, Maddy
Hamish, Jett
Rieley, Nick, Eli, Koby
Jon, Jet, Fergus, Michael, Riley
Mia, Zoe, Layla
Millie, Makayla, Lily, Mia
Ryder, Brax
Sienna, Chantelle
Zoe, Phoebe, Maddy
Hamish, Jett
Rieley, Nick, Eli, Koby