Mask Wearing

We would like to remind everyone that children in Year 3 – Year 6 are required to wear mask indoors at all times. We also recommend children from in Foundation – Year 2 to wear masks indoors, if possible. School staff are also required to wear a face mask while teaching wherever practicable, except where removal of a face mask is necessary for effective communication. Children are not required to wear a mask in the playground but we recommend parents wear masks when coming on the school grounds and to continue maintaining social distancing.

Please ensure that your child has a face mask when coming to school. We would suggest that each child has a spare mask in their bag should they need to change them during the day or in case of breakages or loss.


Parents/Visitors in school

All parents or visitors must scan the QR code and present their certificate at the office if they wish to enter either of the school buildings. We ask that you refrain from coming into the buildings unless you have a meeting with the teacher or are helping with reading in the morning.


Ventilation & Air Purifiers

We are still awaiting news from the Department of Education in relation to the air purifiers that were to be sent to all classes. There has been a huge delay on getting these out to all schools. As a result, we are continuing to ensure that doors and windows are being kept open at all times. Some children may be feeling the cold, therefore we encourage each child to bring an extra layer or a jacket they can wear in class if they feel cold.