Term 3 in Musicland was extremely busy with many performances occurring throughout.
Two outstanding events at school were the Regional Battle of The Bands and performances by visiting Chinese students from Beijing and Chengdu.
The Regional Battle of the Bands: Bandfest was held in the Renaissance Theatre on Friday 21 July. This event was organised by the Regional Music Coordinators, staff at Kew High School and Cranbourne Music. There were seven schools competing in this all day event. Some of the schools represented were Templestowe College, Mullauna Secondary College and Glen Waverley Secondary College. We entered three bands in the senior section who did very well in their performances. The day was a great opportunity to mix with fellow music teachers and students and to see what they were doing in their schools. There was a wide variety of acts from the visiting students including folk bands, acapella groups, small rock bands and large ensembles. Due to the success of the day, we look forward to hosting this event again next year.
We were fortunate to have 130 music and dance students from China visit our school on August 2. There were four groups: one orchestra from the Middle School of Qingdao University, one all girl choir from Beijing Middle School, one dance group from Zhengzhou Middle School and the Boys Choir of Chengdu Middle School.
The Chinese students gave spectacular performances to a packed gym of year 7 – 9 students, International students and staff. The dance group wore beautiful Chinese costumes and performed a very enchanting and captivating dance; the 14 students in the boys choir sang mainly a cappella and filled the gym with their harmonies and melodies. At the conclusion of the performances, formalities followed where there was an exchange of gifts, certificates and many photos.
After the performances, the Q Network held a barbecue for the Chinese students who were really excited and enjoyed it immensely. The visiting Chinese students came with gifts for our students and, even though language was limited, there were many smiles and warm words exchanged.
To conclude the term, there was a VCE Music Performance night and our annual Jazz and Swing night. The VCE Music Performance Night enabled all the VCE Music Performance students to play pieces from their repertoire, which is their end of year exam, worth 50% of their total marks. This concert included both Solo and Group Music students as well as year 11 Music students. It was such a successful night that the year 11s are keen to do it again next year.
The Jazz and Swing Night was also a great success. It was held at Box Hill Institute this year. The Box Hill staff and students provided light, sound, music equipment and stands which made it a much more relaxed occasion for all involved. This concert focussed on The Stage Band and other ensembles and soloists who performed pieces in the style of Jazz and Swing. The audience was at capacity with students, staff, parents, guardians and families there to appreciate the many talented performers.
Judy Bartosy
Director of Music