Sharing Our Happiness with Others
On Monday 28 August, an event called HAPPINESS HAPPENS, run by the International SRCs along with our peers’ support, was organised in the quadrangle as a fund-raising event. We all deserve to be happy and a way to express happiness is through smiling. However, there are children who are born with cleft lips and palates who temporarily have their beautiful smiles stolen. They suffer from being unable to smile, eat, drink and talk properly. By saying 'temporarily', we mean that it is possible to help those children bring back their beautiful smiles, by sharing our happiness with each other.
Operation Smile is a children’s medical charity that helps to improve the lives of children born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities in developing countries. We wanted to spread the message of 'sharing is caring' and being happy across the globe so we chose Operation Smile Vietnam as the recipient of our donations.
On the day, a bake sale with variety of cupcakes was run. We also set up a station called 'Palm Painting' for students who were interested in getting their palm painted in their house colour on a canvas, to promote House Spirit - our focus for 2017.
Also, in a Year Seven Connect session, the students played 'Sticker Hunting'. Stickers with specific labels, for example, happiness, balanced, grateful, lovely, were stuck around the school, which were to be found and written down on answer sheets by the students. Anyone who got at least 12 correct answers received a prize.
Quyen Linh LE
Year 12 International SRC Leader