Term 3 has been a fun filled time at Kew High School. There have been many exciting events and programs involving chaplaincy.
RUOK Day – on Thursday 14 September the school community took part in RUOK Day. A combined effort by the SRC, Chaplaincy and Wellbeing, the students celebrated life . The QNetwork again worked their magic on the BBQ cooking hundreds of sausages for the hungry hoards. RUOK Day is a reminder that life can be tough for everyone so we need to get alongside our friends and family and ask them are they okay.
Jump Rope for Heart – Tuesday 5th September saw the gym turned into a skipping frenzy as an enthusiastic team of year 7 and 8 students and year 12 leaders took part in the Heart Foundation’s Jump Rope for Heart. Ropes were spinning large and small for over two hours as the students jumped their hearts out. Together the students raised over $500.
Lunch Time Homework Group – Each Wednesday the Chaplain runs a lunchtime homework group for year 7 and 8 students in room 104. This is a supervised session where students can get assistance. Trish Alevizos (RMIT Youth Worker) has been assisting the students with their homework as part of her placement.
Chaplaincy Second - Hand Book and Uniform Shop –The shop is over flowing with clothing stock. We all love a bargain so drop into the shop on Tuesdays 12:20 – 1:10pm and you will find a huge supply of stock. Before you rush out and buy that new jumper you can send your child to the shop and our parent volunteers will help them find any needed uniform item from our large supply. Items can be put on hold for up to two weeks and payment can be made by cheque, cash, credit or EFTPOS. It couldn’t be easier to sort out uniforms and text books for your child at up to half the price of purchasing items new.
Chaplaincy Fundraising – Did you know that the Kew High School Chaplaincy does not receive Federal government funding? Each year the Chaplaincy Committee and the School raise all of the funds to pay for the Chaplaincy program. Thanks to the commitment of a wonderful group of volunteers, each year the Chaplaincy Committee raises over $38,000.
Rosemary Carter
School Chaplain