In our Support Unit classes

Our Graduating Class of 2021
Friday, 3rd December was such a special day for our Year 12 graduates! The sun was shining, and the smiles on the faces of our students (and staff) were absolutely priceless.
Congratulations to Solomone, Jahana, Serena, Cheyenne (front row) and to Giovanni, Ethan and Theodore (back row). We are so very very proud of you.
Students' Art Show
Students and staff in the Support Unit invite you to view the students' art show.
It is just a click away below:
The bugs look brilliant mounted on mat board. The landscapes display the desert outback done in simple stages.
We thank Anne Pham from Liverpool Picture Framing for supplying us with her off-cuts of mat boards and thank you to Anne Akeed for putting the video together.
Last of all a big thank you to all the students who believed in themselves to do the work and were surprised with the results.
M Beadle
Teacher, Support Unit
After a long Term 3 with students all learning remotely, the students in the Support Unit are so happy to be back socialising with their friends.
Food Technology
Students in the Support Unit have loved being back in the kitchen cooking up a storm in Food Technology in Term 4.
The students have created spaghetti from scratch, using the new pasta machine, mini pavlovas, chocolate mousse, pizza and lots more.
K Ford
Teacher, Support Unit